Monday, April 30, 2012


sombrero alado,
sal y limon,
brindis tras brindis
de tequila
o de ron.
Boleros y bachatas,
salsa, cumbia,
y entre tanto
Algo mas slow?

Maybe an oldie
from the sixties,
a kind of hippy song,
talking about
peace and love,
the very dear thing
that we all've got,
or a sexy twist
with some rock 'n roll,
where we could
laugh and dance
to the early hours
of dawn.

Peut- être
une chanson avec un
Je t'aime,
et un moi non plus,
de Serge Gainsbourg.
Je crois que
j'en ai des visions,
et encore
on dansera
plus tard
dans cet rêve
sans traduction.


fantasy, legends,
of leprechauns and fairies,
shining in the dark

mythical creatures,
in the middle of summer,
dancing on a bar

holidays for them,
workers of dreams and nightmares
deserving a break

Sunday, April 29, 2012


los tonos del blanco
quitan la cordura,
y traen
mas calma,
o mas dudas.

sin sombras

union de toda gama
camisa sin fuerza,
almidonado cuello
después de planchar

palidez de un todo,
neutralidad total,
meditacion de un hada
blancura de paz.

escala de grises,
rendicion absoluta
ante la claridad.


cumulos nimbos
delirios de humedales.

el deseo esta adormecido
en motas de algodón,
ternura que llovizna
desde una nube de ti.

densidad de sudor,
gotas suspendidas
en el susurro
de la madrugada

beso de luz
que me atraviesa,
y al fin,
me amaneces
con tu sol.

hk- luciernaga

alpinas vistas
tras la ciudad de bellas
cumbres nevadas

un lago de luz,
puente de madera
flotando solo

sobre los zancos
la torre de ladrillos
haciendo sombras

fuera de ciénagas

agua entrando
a estribor de barca
de porcelana

Friday, April 27, 2012


traigo el corazón
y los colores
bien ceñidos,
vitaminas de soles
y delirios,
y sabores a frutas,
a platos distintos,
algún que otro recuerdo
de pasiones,
y sonetos de
diluvios dedicados
sin menciones,
el cielo adentro
de cada retruecano,
y paradojas de truenos
y besos,
metaforas disimiles
con algo de ironia,
salpicadas de
traigo cada organo
tocado tras el rezo,
plegarias de paz,
metonimias de cerezos,
epitetos de amores imposibles,
anaforas añejas e irrepetibles,
recetas de comidas
degustadas con prosas de rosales
para una parrillada,
empanizando el gusto
con onomatopeyas
de tomates y paellas
con lenguaje figurado.

dos alas

dias secos y soleados
bajo el vuelo del tabano,
jinete astuto que incomoda, 
acecha, agobia
a corceles y yeguas.
moscon de enjambre,
prendado al nectar de las flores,
importunando margaritas
cardos y siemprevivas,
a la hora de la tan inerte
zumbidos pasajeros
de un show en formacion
planeando alguna celebracion
chiflidos carniceros, 
que alejan la serenidad
de una tarde pintoresca
de ocasion.
reproducciones mentales
de un paisaje,
naturaleza imaginada
y  asfixiante, 
insertada en un insecto,
cual saeta con dos alas

comunidad 1

y vinieron todos con canticos y versos...

Mientras dura la mala racha, pierdo todo. Se me caen las cosas de los bolsillos y de la memoria: pierdo llaves, lapiceras, dinero, documentos, nombres, caras, palabras. Yo no sé si será gualicho de alguien que me quiere mal y me piensa peor, o pura casualidad, pero a veces el bajón demora en irse y yo ando de pérdida en pérdida, pierdo lo que encuentro, no encuentro lo que busco, y siento mucho miedo de que se me caiga la vida en alguna distracción. (De Galeano, por Y)

Que se levante la vida de milagros llena; que se lo lleven todo menos el amor. Que se aloje en el cuerpo la calma en la espera. Que no venga la paz pues quiero ir a buscarla. Que se melle la hoja del puñal que hoy me mata. Que resurja la vida desde el mismo dolor. (de J.G.)

¡Estan cayendo estrellas!...
-¿Que estas diciendo, hermano?
Son estrellas fugaces

-¡Estan cayendo estrellas!...
-Que pensamiento extraño...
-¡Como del cielo claro
se desprenden estrellas!...
Pon tus manos abiertas
para que en ellas caigan...

-¿Que estas diciendo, hermano?
Son estrellas fugaces,
ni caen, ni se recogen.

-No importa. Pon las manos...

(de Dulce Maria Loynaz, por A.P)


vinieron todos
con canticos y versos,
y fue primavera en mi,
aroma de esperanza,
abri las palmas de mis manos,
para recoger luceros
y mi colección
ha ganado trofeos,
el precio es infinito,
por eso no esta en venta,
quien sabría cuanto vale
un gramo de cometa?

vinieron todos,
los amigos,
los hermanos,
cual veleros,
y me regalaron

y si la muerte negra,
me esperara
a la deriva,
sacaria del bolsillo
las ofrendas de amistad,
en el ultimo minuto
alumbraria la caverna
y quien sabe,
si se vieran
pinturas rupestres
de humildad.

cuando el instante llegue
a tal obscuridad
lo que me iluminaria
seria la antorcha
del comienzo,
con ese poco que nos queda
de humanidad.

the chosen

the chosen,
the one,
the elected,
the blessed,
must be hard,
I suppose,
but, is it great?

the Pope is quite safe,
the guards are there to protect,
dressed with blue and yellow bands,
and white and red accents,
muses of Michelangelo,
inspiration of Raffaello,
and yet,
it must be lonely,
the white duty,
the example.

the king and the queen,
inside the fish bowl,
bodyguards abound,
with sunglasses,
with class,
with suits and black ties,
and a stern look
in their glassy,
hidden eyes.

masters of all trades,
surrounded by the masses,
Oh, the worries they must have,
the problems they must solve,
the grey on their temples,
the stare at every step.

Is it worthy?
I wonder,
the glory,
the fame.
Is it worthy?
I wonder,
when the cross
might await all
at the end.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

haiku- world trekker's dream

travel with your feet,
with the backpack as a house,
hike, bike, climb and ski

you, can see the world,
a Galapagos turtle
with all needs behind

paint in your mind
the terracotta dune sea,
touching the blue sky

the desert music,
behind, like a lullaby,
making you sleepy

an aeroplane,
like a sweet bird flies away,
with you as pilot

the silver sailboat,
on the sea between two lands,
moves only by you

the wind of your lungs
comes out with force for the vessel,
which does not sink

steady it goes,
catamaran of your soul,
just navigating

take the Darjeeling,
and some chai on the toy train,
in the West Bengal

watch the stars at night,
and Vincent's starry night
in a single day

a red Montgolfier
can take you up, yet again,
to touch the full moon

dive then, from that place,
awaken among the clouds,
from this journey's dream.

caña de pescar

ando pescando sonrisas
en el acuario de la ciudad,
alli mis carreteles
enredan y desenredan
el sedal,
nylon de medias negras,
filamentos muy monos,
que alzan anzuelos,
dan señas a señuelos,
y localizan lombrices,
para la caza submarina
de una alegría perdida.

el cristal grueso del estanque
en transparencia sutil,
con un agua tan viscosa,
especies increibles
y bocas calamitosas.

Esa risa que ya es mueca,
no la quiero,
no la entrego.
Tiburon que da miedo,
con sus dientes sin igual,
al pez que debajo esta,
y al plancton,
intocable casta,
de la cadena de plata
en la dulce pecera,
que a tientas espera
el azucar de una caña de pescar.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

BaLiNeSe LiFe


life in the community
makes for the feast, 
together in Bali
women bake and weave
teak chairs rock
at the rhythm of a flute, 
wooden dragons are made
out of manly hands, 
as well as nudes.
the sarong is worn
the hats are on heads
the smiles are perennial
I will never forget
the sea comes and goes
there are bargains to have,
the travellers go home 
with the sound on their ears
of the multiple gongs
so far away
and yet so close, 
an island, 
the sea, 
the people,
the temples to admire
and for them to worship, 
the volcanoes to see
and for them to fear,
the dances to enjoy
and for them to train for, 
a week to relax
and for them 
the passing 
of a beautiful
and simple life.

hk- mascando tiempo


a lo lejos veo
las montañas heladas 
con la bandera.
ondea la bella
sin viento ni marea,
solo un soplo
las ruinas bajo la cruz
sin el salitre
hecho de menos
el azul horizonte,
el olor a sal.
diente de perro, 
erizos y medusas,
sangre en el pie.
la contagiosa
risa y el retozo
de la juventud.
silencio y paz,
les escucho ahora
al atardecer
en tortura de nada
como un burro
mascando tiempo
mirando a los otros

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Clara Faromondo

Paca was the real deal, a beagle through and through. Her parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were all champions. Her birth certificate came with the pompous name of Clara Faromondo, which embodied all that she was supposed to be, another aristocratic beagle that was destined to win as many trophies as possible.
However, her life turned out to be quite different from her ancestors. She was born on a beautiful morning during the beginning of spring in the outskirts of Warsaw, and developed into a playful puppy that was quite stubborn, biting everything that was within reach. All her siblings found new owners very soon, but she had been born with one eye darker than the other one and an extra nipple. It was obvious she did not have anything to do with championships and medals, instead she was looking for trouble and fun, and the Faromondo name was just too big for her.  When I met her one sunny afternoon in June, I immediately fell in love with her, and she looked more like a Paca to me, so the nickname stayed with her.
Paca lived each phase of my life as her own. She stood by me during those long Eastern European winter nights, when the sun sets at 4 p.m. and anyways spends all the waking ours playing hide and seek with the fog. She sat next to me while I was studying, and actually made me get out of the house to discover parks, mountains and forests to shoo away the blues. She also spent countless days soothing me with her presence, when I suffered from a bad cold or a  stomach flu. She always welcomed me back home, from my trips abroad, with tremendous canine parties, which usually included howls, barks, licks, and her tail wagging at one-thousand movements per minute. 
She never competed, but it did not prevent her from getting plenty of prizes, from bones, toys, road trips with her head out of the car window with her tongue out, enjoying the wind on her long ears, to plane journeys in humongous cages more appropriate for a German Shepard. She went to parties, to the mountains, to friend’s houses, to the sea, she played on the snow, on forests in the tundra, on the sand, on the pavement, on grass, on the wooden floor of my apartment. Today, I can still remember her sweet smell behind her ears, that smell of love and home, that smell of my Paquita.
She is gone now, but at the same time, she is still with me, on my photos and my memories. I can still see her running around, looking for treats, barking and bringing me her green tennis ball or smelling her leash, asking me with her eyes to take her for a walk, whispering that old secret that says that time flies, that life passes on a wink, and that we all need to live it to the fullest. Even now, she makes me want to whistle, calling her to my side.


buscando agua,
cubeta en el pozo,
bajo la tierra
que reseca esta,
en otro milenio,
el rio caudaloso,
corria sin miedo
por la vecindad.

sequia que duele,
pobreza que estigma,
trabajo ilusorio
cada mañana
el agua que es oro
se busca como
aguja en un viejo pajar.

liquido que vibra,
cuenca de placeres,
brillante en las manos,
cuando fluye el agua,
no hay tristeza alguna,
la risa la tiene como

water scarcity


el avenir ya esta llegando,
se aproxima,
y solo existe ante el observador
que espera.

el futuro esta en secuencia,
se vislumbra,
y solo existe ante la esperanza
que no merma.

el presente,
en cambio,
esta y es,
no sera,
ni ocurrira,
sino que coincide
con este segundo,
en lo simultaneo.

presente de la vida,
regalo al azar,
que quedara entonces
en la memoria?

Hoy tengo unas ganas increíbles
de cliquear en el rewind.

y si...

Y si en lugar de ver
a tal,
o mas cual,
con fotos con bebes,
con fotos con ancianos,
con fotos con maquillaje
que expresan un
yo lo valgo,
te encontraras con
sujeto y predicado
de sujetos que no predican
que solo se inspiran
y dicen
sandeces acerca de sandias.

y si fundaran el partido de la poesia?
acaso votarias?

life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness- US. declaration of independence.

from the bottom
of the food chain,
to the savannahs
of the Serengeti,
from the newborn
in the west,
to the stillborn
in a village with a pest.

from the teens
screaming wildly
in a concert or a rave,
of the slaves
with the abolition
just over a century
that went away.

All pursuing happiness,
and love,
that fleeting thing
of our desires,
All pursuing something
so intangible,
that not life nor liberty

at times alive and dead inside
and others free within the bars set by our lives
the moments pass,
and then we say,
I felt so happy then,
and did not know the way.

green blink / pestañear x4

la alhambra

Monday, April 23, 2012


Herradura de caballo,
dos ojitos de plata,
una piedra de azabache,
nazares blancos y azules,
una cruz de oro encrustado,
un relicario de antaño,
un vaso de cristal de baccara,
agua y aceite de oliva,
y ya esta,
asi es mi lista,
vade retro a pesadillas
y mal de ojo recurrentes,
solo falta la oración
a la patrona Cachita
y un buen ramo de verdor
para despojar dolor.

Blue and white: Greek charms against evil


la soberbia,
sobria vanidad,
que se mata
sin ayuda, 
y se cree
que es capaz
de superar
los prejuicios
de los otros, 
en arrogancia 
frente al espejo
de reflejos
nada virtuosos, 
y de un
narcisismo sin igual,
aunque le cueste 
el pescuezo
para darle
a una sopa
con sabores
sin rival.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

no brand

Desde que era una niña, me ha encantado el olor que tienen los libros acabados de comprar, esa sensación que uno experimenta cuando al abrir la primera pagina, uno se encuentra con las hojas nuevecitas, recién sacadas de la imprenta. También me encantaban los lápices coloridos con las gomas de borrar de capuchón color carne, o las otras gomas con olores a fresa o mango, o aquellas asiáticas que traían todo tipo de ilustraciones coquetas o delicadas, diseñadas especialmente para los niños. Con el tiempo mi predilección por estas cosas no ha mermado, al contrario, aun me detengo a observar los nuevos, o viejos, diseños de lápices, plumones, o agendas. Sin embargo, ahora me interesa mucho mas que los objetos de oficina sean simples, minimalistas o que usen materiales reciclables. Tal es el caso de MUJI, una compañía japonesa, cuyos bolígrafos me han acompañado durante mis años de universidad. Y aunque no me pagan ni un centavo por este post, siento que soy yo quien les debo, ya que mis tantos exámenes han sido acompañados por bolis transparentes de puntas de 0.5 mm, o por gomas de borrar genialmente diseñadas.
Y mientras escribo, tamborileando en mi laptop, ya voy sintiendo un poco de nostalgia, por el arte de escribir a puño y letra, algo que no hago quizás desde hace tanto.


I have always loved the smell of newly purchased books, that lovely sensation of opening the book and facing brand new, white pages, that just came out of the oven. I also loved colourful pens and pencils as a child, beautiful ornamented stationery, or those Asian pencils with flesh coloured erasers as hats that resembled matches, or the strawberry scented erasers with pastel colours that were illustrated with cute designs to please children and adults alike.
As time has passed, my predilection for office products has not dwindled, on the contrary, I still spend countless hours perusing notebooks, pencils, pens, highlighters and the like, but now I try to focus on those that are simple, and follow minimalist lines, or those that use recyclable materials. And I usually find them on the MUJI store.
Muji is a Japanese company that sells the transparent gel ink pens that have been with me since the years of university. They do not pay me a single cent for this post, but I feel I owe them something, after all many of my good grades on exams and essays have been due in part to writing with a comfortable and beautiful pen that made the ideas and concepts fly on the page.
Muji represents for me, those writing accessories that make writing by hand, pure joy. A experience that might soon be obsolete - and I say this with certain nostalgia, typing on a laptop that does not require ink at all.


...asi las cosas, hoy he pensado en los libros que he leido del escritor peruano Mario Vargas Llosa, quien es considerado uno de los mejores exponentes del boom latinoamericano literario de los 60's y 70's. Uno de mis favoritos de siempre es 'Travesuras de la niña mala', una historia de amor, en la cual el erotismo, los viajes, las traducciones, la psicologia y muchos otros conceptos, se desarrollan dentro de una novela que despierta la imaginacion, a la vez que nos invita a pensar y debatir dentro de nuestras cabezas, como simples lectores.
A veces no estoy nada de acuerdo con VLl, pero otras si, por ejemplo, recientemente he leido un articulo en el que el escritor cuenta su opinión acerca de la vida de hoy en dia en la cual 'la banalizacion de la cultura y la generalizacion de la frivolidad, están a la orden del dia". Aquí esta el link del articulo:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Greece Series: A Haiku Story

From the head of Zeus,
goddess Athena was born
for wisdom and war.

Hephaestus was there,
prudence was cut with an ax
the goddess was crowned

Athena's helmet,
spears, sandals, and aegis
for battles ready.

The dark evil eye
goes with the blue one away
in Hydra as well.

The wise jeweller
like an old owl gave me peace:
A present for me.

State of the art:
Antiquity dances with
this, my modernity.

Blue sky above,
Maritime landscaping
bars with long islands.

A Greek sequence,
a traveller's consequence
of all history.

Loveliness around,
nature and humanity,
are here intertwined.

They all touch their hearts
when grateful, with their right hand,
then, my eyes are bright.

Spring's poetry
arises from all death,
life is full of words.

The symbol of life,
and that of eternity
in silver bracelets.

Compliments for girls,
tsatsiki and hot pita
for all the others.

In the capital
Athena inspired me.
Oh! Thank you Goddess!

Fukushima haiku

In Fukushima,
within the invisible
still life exists.

the community
moves on cleaning and doing
their best on the worst.

silence and beauty
pervades the new spring air,
cherries blossom again.


Friday, April 20, 2012


Dejar de escribir
es como dejar de tragar,
de sentir,
de inhalar,
o quizas para un perro, 
dejar de tragar
es atrofiar
cada musculo,
del ritmo 
en un no sentir. 
Aparcarse en la 
cuadricula impuesta
por la agenda de la imprenta,
y las tintas
cocinadas en 
sus pulpos, 
de un arroz 
del campeonato
del gloton.
dejar de escribir, 
es tan sencillo 
como no teclear
la e, 
o la s, o la c,
ESC...dejar de tocar
las teclas
con sus letras,
que se agolpan en la gula 
de polilla
al apetito de pantallas
de un upgrade
de biblioteca.


silencio de paz,
recuperar los sueños
olvidar el don.

las agujetas
sujetan marionetas
en primavera.

las cataratas
fluyen tan caudalosas,

rara situación
dentro y fuera de mi,
placer y dolor.

la gran unidad
del dulce interpretar,
solo caminar.

cultivar petri,
nucleo de celula

humor hallado,
en dolor de cabeza,
fiebre sin sol.

simple life

She woke up at 9 am, on a grey morning, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she grabbed
her iPhone to listen to some tunes on YouTube. She decided to choose a relaxing video and typed: meditation with sea waves. The sound of the sea always calmed her like no other sound. 
She breathed deeply and immediately thought about the seven chakras from the Hindu and Tibetan cultures, and almost without intention, her subconscious started to turn the wheels along her body. Imaginary seagulls flew over a far off shore, clapped and said: Bravo, you are finally awaken, both literally and spiritually. Time to get up!
A quick bite, and a macrobiotic yoghurt for breakfast tricked the stomach into thinking of healthy eating. She dressed up, taking her time, splashed some water on her face and took her old, Dutch, rusted bike to run some errands. Outside it was raining, it was autumn, it did not matter.
Puddles of water were forming on the pavement, there were mirrors reflecting the different shades of grey of that sky that was falling piece by piece. Each drop hit the ground and in a happy movement was expanded in ephemeral circles. 
The bicycle's wheels were wet, as was her old Burberry coat from the old and better times, but she felt contented with the simple life she had now, full of errands, rain, puddles, mirrors, music, and imaginary seagulls.
Maria lived in a very small town of barely 2000 people. In a world of more than 7 billion humans, and many more millions of animals and bacteria, she fell she had found a pocket, like a modern day Thumbelina. There was a bakery to the left of the main road, with the delicious smell of warm bread and croissants, a post-office with a very grumpy old man that barely spoke, a corner store with sodas, ketchup and chips, the local library with a huge notice board with second-hand items written in capital helvetica that could be seen even from the comfortable seat of her bike, riding in the middle of the street, a few meters away. There was a small pharmacy that seemed to be almost always with the sign CLOSE on, and there were a few houses with their verandas, mostly empty, or with old looking rocking chairs and swings. Every morning there was the same routine: She woke up, took her bike, rode along the main street, and went to the river to jog.
The river’s current was extremely fast, she had never seen any ducks around, which was a pity, because all her stale bread had to go to waste. She had her iphone with her, the only luxury she allowed herself, now that she was unemployed, because it was also a matter of necessity. She saw it as a sort of orchestra, where all the instruments were integrated to play beautiful music. 
There was, for instance the saxo, which she saw as the phone; there was the clarinet, the Safari icon, to access the highway of information that is the world wide web; there was also the cello, with all the strings of emails; the percussion, with photos, notes, and calendars; the piano with the black and white keys of all the passwords she had to memorize; the harp with several apps for fun and pleasure that resonated with her . It was a technological symphony that allowed her to exist as both a lonely individual and an ultra connected one. But the most important thing was, that she could jog or bike, while listening to her favorite tracks.
She thought that life without music was just silence, sweat, and pain. Music made jogging a more tolerable mini-marathon. A song that lasted 4.31 mins, was exactly the distance between warming-up and reaching the most beautiful old oak tree on the river shore, and the notes of a cello playing Sarabande from the Bach Cello Suite no 6, was just a taste of haven at the end of the -oh, so tiring- jog, when walking and breathing was the only thing relevant in her world, a world made of little pieces of a puzzle destined only for her, for Maria, the one that liked to bike and jog, and listen to music, and enjoy the very simple things that a postmodern life had to offer at this particular moment, this year, this century. The life of a single human, living among 1999 others on that sleepy town, and 7 billion more on a not so sleepy planet* called Earth.

* planet: from the Greek word WANDERER

Dar el pecho

Latigo rosa ardiente,
en el espaldar de la comadrita
donde me siento a dar de lactar.
Mi retoño no entiende 
de cansancio,
ni dolores,
ni de malos humores,
pues la leche
gota a gota
pezon que inmuniza,
en la batalla
contra viruses 
y bacterias sedientas.
Cada azote en la columna
de esta silla, 
tejedora de rendijas,
es recuerdo impenitente
que ardera,
en mis ojos
se refleje el adulto privilegio
de lo que ahora
poco a poco
ha de chupar.
Mi lugar es confortable
en realidad,
no se encuentra,
por ejemplo,
frente al agua impoluta del Ganges,
y mi queja es apenas
un suspiro agradecido,
por tener cada 
vertebra esculpida
en los muebles
heredados de mi madre 
y sus comadres
nodrizas ellas todas, 
de una prole 
que se deja
pecho y espalda si es 
que toca,
al amamantar
el fruto de su vientre.

dar a luz

letra a letra,
respirando entonacion,
sudando metaforicas
cristal que cuelga, 
lampara frotada,
que la brota,
que la entrega,
Ya vienen, 
ya llegan, 
han nacido
los gemelos, 
de los puños 
de un poema.

El poeta del silencio

El poeta del silencio
escucha al mar,
las montañas,
los desastres naturales que
el tsunami con sus olas gigantescas, 
observa mas alla de lo que se lleva el viento,
y se atreve a expresar,
la belleza y la infinita crueldad
de la ausencia
del bendito sonido.

Bien de ojo

El Ikigai
del gallito
japones de mi vecina, 
es cantar kirikiki
de madrugada, 
ese gallo
desgañita con sus ganas,
y el barrio
le devuelve 
con los mismos brios
el mas profundo silencio
con almohadas
cada oido.
Te has preguntado
alguna vez, 
cual es el tuyo?
que te hace vibrar
a cada paso?
que te pide vivir en este 
carpe diem
de tu mundo 
y tus alardes.
Si no sabes, busca 
en tus destrezas, 
piensa ahora
en lo que te conmueve
de veras, 
trata de que algo que ver
tenga con el BIEN, 
pues el mal
ya tiene sus 
adeptos bien alergicos
a los baches 
en la calle
de azabaches,
y al amor
en el tiempo.


Viaje hacia el centro del
mariposas en el medio del ombligo,
asi suele ser la inspiracion,
en un ser introvertido.
20,000 lenguas lamiendo
y devorando,
perdiendo el sentido,
cual beatle
encarnado en un submarino
hay vagones
algo llenos, 
de diamantes
y carbon,
y otras cosas reciclables,
y en los rieles, 
entre tanto,
con algo de retraso, 
me escribo,
a mi, 
me reescribo.
de que estamos hechos
sino de polvo
de estrellas?
que se encienden
y se queman,
como orgasmos 
en la estela de 
sonadisimas sirenas,
que resoplan y resuenan
en la tormenta de mis penas.